Why would you need an asbestos survey in Kent? As a property owner or manager of any non-domestic building that is built before 2000, you have the responsibility and are required to manage any asbestos-containing materials present. While asbestos-containing materials were extensively used as a miracle building product, it was discovered that the fibres released from the asbestos caused incurable diseases such as lung cancers and asbestosis. An asbestos survey will determine if your building has any asbestos present, and how best to manage it.
For your older property in Kent, an asbestos survey by ACS will provide accurate information on the location, amount and condition of asbestos-containing materials. It will also assess the level of damage or deterioration in the asbestos-containing materials and whether remedial action is required. With a wealth of experience, our experienced and highly qualified asbestos surveyors will provide a comprehensive and cost effective asbestos survey. We will also provide additional recommendations on the best course of action. With the information gathered in our survey, we can prepare a record of the location of any asbestos, which is also called an asbestos register, as well as an asbestos plan of your building. An asbestos survey is also required to help identify all the asbestos-containing materials that need to be removed before refurbishment work or demolition.
An asbestos survey in Kent means that you can be sure that your building’s asbestos-containing materials will be correctly managed. Asbestos alone is not deadly, as it is when the fibres are released, become airbourne and inhaled that it is a problem. In order to prevent the incurable diseases caused by asbestos, it is vital that the correct procedures are followed. Contact ACS today if you want more information about an asbestos survey for your property. Our prices are competitive and our team is highly qualified in all aspects of dealing with asbestos. Should the asbestos on your property need to be removed and disposed of, we can refer you to the relevant asbestos removal companies. We only work with fully qualified asbestos removal and disposal companies that are compliant in legislation in the correct removal and disposal of asbestos.