If you own commercial property you need an asbestos survey in Lancaster as part of your management plan. Someone, either the building owner or manager is required to be in charge of securing the survey and following up on the recommendations. At ACS we are certified to conduct these surveys. Our findings are put into a report that is very easy to read and understand. If during our survey, we find loose damaged asbestos, that find will be noted and we will recommend removal. Our team is qualified to remove and safely dispose of asbestos. We may find asbestos that is contained, posing no health risks and we recommend the manager frequently check and note the condition for changes. There may be no asbestos so naturally, your survey will indicate no further recommendations.
Your private residence is not subject to the environmental regulations that public property owners must follow. Still, in Lancaster, an asbestos survey is recommended for the safety of your family if your home was built before 2000. As the homeowner, you would be the designated manager to carry out any recommendations. You are not obligated by law to get an asbestos survey but it would offer some peace of mind. In addition, if you are thinking of selling the home, a clear asbestos survey may be requested by a buyer. If so, you’re ready. Home buyers, if your estate agent doesn’t write a clear asbestos survey into your contract to purchase, insist that he or she adds it.
Finally, in addition to an asbestos survey in Lancaster you might want to schedule a safety class for your designated asbestos manager. At ACS we conduct such classes so interested parties can learn what to look for, how to recognise asbestos, the likeliest places it’s found in a building and the health hazard it presents. Contact ACS to schedule an asbestos survey. Our teams are professionally and safety trained, experienced and fully equipped to find and determine the quality of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials. We may recommend air testing and/or monitoring for the presence of asbestos if we find cause for concern.