An asbestos survey in Darlington will give you, as the owner of a building, peace of mind. This is true because you will then be aware of the location of any asbestos-containing materials, and their condition. As the owner of the building, you have the responsibility to ensure that the building is safe for the occupants. As a result of the wide use of asbestos in the past, asbestos-containing materials are found in almost all older buildings. This is especially true of those constructed prior to the 2000s. Asbestos, when added to building materials, provided excellent properties. However, it was when the effects of inhalation of asbestos became known and witnessed; its subsequent use was banned.
It remains an ongoing concern as many buildings still have asbestos-containing materials. It is for this reason in Darlington, an asbestos is not only responsible, but also a legal requirement. We can assist you. Our team of surveyors are experts in their field. Moreover, they are highly skilled in all aspects of asbestos and have many years of experience. Give us a ring, and we will set up an appointment for your asbestos survey. The asbestos survey is designed to locate the presence of any asbestos-containing materials. Additionally, it notes their condition and whether they are likely to be damaged during normal occupancy. Along with the asbestos survey, we will provide a comprehensive management plan. As such, this allows you to fulfil your legal obligations as a duty holder. Not only that, but you will be aware of the potential dangers and how best to manage them.
An asbestos survey in Darlington is not a DIY project and should never be considered as one. It should only be completed by a professional team with training and experience. If you need an asbestos survey for your building, contact ACS today. Should any of the asbestos need to be removed, we can refer you to a professional removal company. Our aim is to provide information to ensure that you are aware of the dangers and how best to deal with them. You are also welcome to ask any asbestos related questions you may have.