Every non-residential property is required by law to manage the asbestos within their building, to manage it you first have to have it identified, and this is where ACS would perform an asbestos survey in Wakefield. Most older buildings have some asbestos somewhere. Just because it is there does not mean it presents a hazard. The danger arises when asbestos is disturbed. If it is cracked or broken asbestos fibres are released into the air. The fibres are so fine that they can be unknowingly inhaled into our lungs. Most fibres are exhaled but if a fibre embeds itself in the lower part of the lung it stays there and over time causes tissue damage. Repeated exposure increases the risk of fibres staying in the lungs, which increases the risk of lung cancer and other asbestos related diseases. It may take up to 20 years before symptoms of these diseases to present themselves.
In Wakefield, asbestos survey testing for non-residential buildings is a safety precaution to protect the general public. There is no great crisis and few are affected as long as existing asbestos is managed. That is what the health and safety regulations strive to enforce. You need to know if it is there, what condition it is in, and if it poses any threat. Management may take the form of regular surveys conducted by a qualified surveyor or containment of the affected area may be necessary. In some instances, health and safety regulations dictate the asbestos must be removed by a qualified asbestos removal company.
ACS carries out a standard asbestos survey in Wakefield which locates asbestos materials that, if disturbed by normal occupancy, would cause a health hazard. We make recommendations for management of the material based on the current condition. ACS also carries out Refurbishment and Demolition surveys. This survey must be done prior to any major refurbishment works or building demolition works can be done. Any asbestos materials identified during the survey process must be removed prior to any refurbishment or demolition works taking place. Whichever you need it will conform to the industry standard dictated by HSE. When surveys are complete we review them with the owner or manager of the building, step by step. They are written in plain English and easy to understand. Contact ACS for an asbestos survey.