You will need an asbestos survey in Wigan if you plan to refurbish all or part of your commercial building which includes interior demolition. ACS is our comprehensive environmental service which includes asbestos survey, asbestos testing and asbestos removal. With eight locations, one is near you. Our asbestos survey is thorough and detailed but it is not intrusive. We will note the presence of asbestos that is obvious but we don’t open walls or removed fixtures. Much of the asbestos we see in your building may be used for insulation of plumbing and heating pipes. We may observe it in roof or cladding materials. Left undisturbed, it likely causes no problem. However, your plans for refurbishment will disturb the asbestos which will require removal before work begins.
The next step in the process is to use our survey to decide the next step. In Wigan, asbestos survey supplied by ACS will note the recommendations for management of asbestos observed. Disturbing asbestos during demolition before renovation will release deadly asbestos fibres into the environment, putting the health of all at risk. Our survey will likely recommend asbestos testing which is invasive with the purpose of locating all asbestos in the building, seen and unseen. We want to know where, within the area to be renovated, asbestos is present, even that which is contained. Whatever asbestos is present at the site, we would recommend safe and environmentally responsible removal and disposal. Our team of expert technicians are trained, equipped and licenced to carry out the project from survey to removal and disposal.
When an asbestos survey in Wigan leads to the removal and disposal of asbestos from your building before refurbishment begins, it doesn’t mean you must evacuate the entire building. We are often able to seal off the portion to be refurbished so the rest of the building is not compromised and business, as usual, can be conducted. Contact ACS for an asbestos survey first. Although your building may not contain asbestos, buildings built before 2000 must be surveyed before you start knocking out walls. Our company has many years’ experience detecting, managing and removing asbestos. With our help, your business will have no worries about complying with asbestos health and safety laws.