An asbestos survey in West Bromwich is, by law, required for all non-domestic properties built before the year 2000. The survey should be carried out by asbestos experts to determine if asbestos is present in the building. The reason an expert is designated is because they are trained, experienced and equipped to spot asbestos-containing materials. The untrained may never suspect the asbestos contained in normal looking products like concrete, insulation and plaster. When asbestos is found a plan of action to deal with it must be set forth in writing. Depending on conditions, follow up surveys may be required every six months to one year as a check that your asbestos management plan is effectively controlling the risk.
Whoever is responsible for the premises has a legal duty to manage the asbestos. For those in West Bromwich, asbestos survey requirements are different for properties undergoing refurbishment where asbestos may be disturbed creating a health risk. AT ACS, we possess the credentials, experience, specialised health and safety equipment to assist duty holders with what can be a confusing obligation. Our team carry out both management and demo asbestos surveys. Our report will state our findings and our recommendations for a management plan. All the responsible party has to do is follow the plan and keep it handy as proof of compliance with asbestos laws.
An asbestos survey in West Bromwich carried out by our professionals will keep you legal but more importantly keep building occupants safe. Statistics show that about 4500 deaths per year are asbestos-related with the primary cause being the incurable mesothelioma. Lack of knowledge about asbestos is deadly. Contact ACS and schedule your management or demo survey. We’ll make sure you know the health risks, what to do about them so your premises are a healthy environment for living and working. If your survey recommends removal of asbestos, our team has the professional designation to safely carry out the task and dispose of the material in an environmentally safe way. Of course, if asbestos is not found on the premises, you will be greatly relieved.