Asbestos Survey in Loughborough

Asbestos Survey in LoughboroughEnsure that your building is safe in compliance with regulations with a professional asbestos survey in Loughborough. At ACS, we are your partners in combating the deadly effects of asbestos in all forms and locations. Our highly trained, qualified, insured and licensed team can help you survey, locate, identify, manage and safely remove asbestos on your premises. We have a dedicated environmental service that enables you to act rather than react to environmental issues that may pop up from time to time. This service includes site audits, land contamination remediation, waste management, flood risk assessment and more. We specialise in asbestos surveys that help businesses and individuals to remain in compliance with the current legislation on asbestos.

For property owners in Loughborough, an asbestos survey is necessary if yours is an older building. Studies show that asbestos causes the death of nearly 5000 people every year in the UK. It is not just a problem that affects older people but poses a risk to people of all ages because asbestos was extensively used till year 2000. It can be found across the country in residential, industrial and commercial buildings, ships and vehicles that were constructed or manufactured in an earlier era. Asbestos was once considered a “miracle product” that was easily available, affordable, versatile and effective for a variety of applications. In residential and commercial buildings it may occur in pipes, water-tanks, cisterns, insulation, decorative coatings, fireproof coating, panels and false ceilings, partitions, paint, gutters, soffits, and roofing felt. In industrial buildings, asbestos can be found in spray-on coatings in beams and walls, floor tiles, insulation and partitions, fire-blankets, around boilers, and roofs. The huge amount of asbestos that was used makes it all the more difficult to identify and locate

A thorough asbestos survey in Loughborough ensures that the asbestos on your property if any is located and managed effectively. To find out more about how we can assist you to keep your building compliant with legislation, contact ACS. In an undisturbed state, asbestos is not known to be a hazardous material. However, with ageing, wear and tear, activities associated with repairs, refurbishment, renovation and demolition of buildings, the fibres work loose and enter the atmosphere. They enter our respiratory system causing a range of problems like allergies, mesothelioma, and cancers.