Asbestos Survey in Edinburgh

Asbestos Survey in EdinburghEnsure that you are covered with an asbestos survey in Edinburgh before starting any refurbishments or renovations to your property. Our surveys are thorough and reliable, and can be tailored to your individual needs. If you have building or demolition work planned, our Refurbishment and Demolition Survey will be best suited to your requirements. We will thoroughly investigate your property for signs of asbestos, and once found we will quantify and classify it. We then provide a detailed, easy to understand report on the presence and condition of the asbestos, with guidelines on how to manage it or recommendations for removal.

It is usually recommended that asbestos be removed prior to any building work on a property. In Edinburgh, asbestos survey work is legally required before building projects are started, as the building work can disrupt the asbestos and cause health issues. If any asbestos containing material is disturbed or damaged during your building work, microscopic asbestos fibres can be released into the air and inhaled by the builders, workers and anyone nearby. This causes a wide range of health problems, from milder instances of asthma and respiratory problems to very severe cases of lung cancer and asbestosis. An asbestos survey will help prevent this from happening by identifying exactly where any asbestos containing materials are within the building. You can then either avoid having those areas of the building renovated if your building plans permit, or arrange to have the asbestos removed before starting the building work.

Working with asbestos is a specialised task, and an asbestos survey in Edinburgh should be handled by trained professionals. We are experienced and qualified in our field, with an expert knowledge on all matters relating to asbestos. We are also able to refer you to a number of trusted asbestos removal experts should you require it. Contact ACS for an effective asbestos survey today. In many cases, asbestos poses minimal risk and can be left in a building if it is not disturbed or damaged. Our services will equip you with all the knowledge to manage asbestos in your property.