An asbestos survey for colleges in Lewisham is necessary if it is to be determined how to manage asbestos into the future. Thousands of schools and colleges in the UK were built between 1945 and 1974 and it was during this period that asbestos was so popularly used in buildings. As long as the asbestos is left undisturbed it poses no problem. When it is disturbed however, it releases asbestos fibres into the air. Exposure to the dust puts students and teachers at risk for lung cancer. Knowing how to spot asbestos-containing materials can help colleges to maintain a safe environment for all. At ACS we make sure we help our customers understand asbestos and its risks. There are no safety or environmental issue we can’t tackle.
For your educational institution in Lewisham, an asbestos survey for colleges will assist staff meet their responsibilities by identifying risk sources. At ACS, we provide health and safety audits surrounding your company’s health and safety practices and can advise on how to be within the law. We are accredited to UKAS, MAFF and NAMAS standards and our experts are able to provide colleges with simple information on asbestos results and how to go forward with the findings.
An asbestos survey for colleges in Lewisham means that we’re able to offer you practical solutions. The results from a survey can help us to provide a more in-depth assessment of the areas of your college proposed for renovation. Our excellent surveys include a visual assessment of the property as well as a report detailing the future condition of any asbestos containing materials. Contact ACS today for an asbestos survey for colleges. Asbestos is not to be taken lightly and its management needs to be in the hands of experts. We’re those experts and we’re here to help you with the right way forward.