If you need an asbestos survey in Coventry, speak to ACS. You will need to conduct an asbestos survey if you are planning any renovations on your building. This is mandatory if you own an older building. The reason for this is that as asbestos was used in many building materials, many buildings have asbestos containing materials within the building structure. When the dangers of asbestos were exposed, any use of building materials containing asbestos was prohibited. Subsequently, many older buildings still contain some form of asbestos and this needs to be managed in order to lessen the potential health risk posed to the occupants when it is disturbed.
This is, however, work only for professionals with the experience and skill to handle asbestos effectively. In Coventry, an asbestos survey must be conducted by a registered and qualified contractor. We have a highly qualified and experienced team who perform comprehensive and thorough asbestos surveys. Our service will include, above the survey itself, a report on the survey’s findings, guidelines and advice on how to manage the presence of asbestos, and any support or assistance you may need. Asbestos is made of tiny fibres. When broken or disturbed, these fibres are released into the air. As they are small enough to be inhaled into the lungs, they are a health hazard. The fibres are lodged in the lungs, causing inflammation. This can then cause diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma. An asbestos survey will determine the condition of the asbestos in your building and indicate if there is any need for concern.
Meet your responsibilities as the owner of a building with an asbestos survey in Coventry. Contact ACS today and we can assist you with an asbestos survey. All the surveys we provide are conducted in accordance with the HSG264 guidance notes issued by the HSE. Speak to us for guidance on which is the most appropriate asbestos survey for your needs. We will complete a comprehensive survey report that provides you with a clear understanding of your situation and how to manage any asbestos present.